Wednesday, March 05, 2008

the hubbi makes me happy by...

sending an appointment invitation to my office email.
Subject: Meehoon breakfast
Location: 75B coffeeshop

lol. i accepted it of cos.
but i seriously wonder if we really can wake up in time for it.

as most of you will know by now, baby wormy stays overnight at my mom's place from wed - fri (2D2N stay).
we'll send him over on wed night + fetch him back on fri night.
by the time we reach home on wed, it'll be ard 9+pm. so thursday evening is the only time we can really have some time to go out alone.
and so both of us took PM leave for tomorrow.. to do what..?
to go to........... taka babyfair of cos! lol.

hiaks, even w/o wormy with us, we're still revolving around baby activities.
okie, maybe i just want to shop. never mind the stuff is for me or not. heh.

*yawn* 1 more hr before me off work. gonna make a mad rush home to bring baby to my mum's place + have nice home-cooked dinner there. *yummy*
only once/twice a week i got to enjoy hot pipping soup :).
and its play play a bit with wormy before bidding farewell to him..
and awaiting at home will be loads of laundry to be done. :

still anything beAts being stuck in this cold freezing office!

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