Thursday, October 10, 2013

sick for too long & catching up with words

i thought with my (less than) frequent exercising and healthy (or so i thought) diet [i ate my greens and my weaknesses are only pokka green tea and sometimes potato chips], my health is pretty in the pink.
at least for the whole of 2013 so far, i was only down with sore throat once or twice at most.

hence, when i was down with sore throat and slight flu last last sunday, i thought nothing of it.
went to see doc and thought that with the usual flu/cough meds, the sick bug will be gone in no time.
wrong big time.
the mucus and phlegm did dwindle down by end of a week but guess what, my asthma was triggered.
and just like that, i was left gasping for breath for 2 long days and weakly recuperating since tues till now...
uber zzz.
so counting the days, i ve been sick for > 10days! gosh!
so much about thinking my constitution is good.

perhaps its time to admit the old age.
and modify the diet and lifestyle to suit my poor constitution.
sip more hot tea like zm and cut down the alcohol (my wine and soju!).
lesser dramas and bedtime by midnight aint so bad if it helps the wrinkles.


the only silver lining that comes out of the whole episode is i catch up on reading.
when you are stuck in bed without strength for most things, the least you can do is eyeballs moving.
and that was what i did.
i finished 2 books by neil gaiman - american gods and anansi boys.

i ve only read 1 book by him before this:- graveyard book which is more for young adult.
but nevertheless very very entertaining.
Ive always wanted to read american gods as it won the hugo & nebula awards in 2002 where china mieville was also nominated for his perdido street station! 
ive never read perdido street station but other works by mieville have always been fascinating.
so i want to read for myself just how good is american gods.

and it didnt disappoint.
his style is very different from mieville. very easy prose, faster pace and dry wry humor running through the whole book which you'll find out that its a trademark of him if you read his other books.
critics have remarked before that mieville can be overly ambitious with his plot and trying too hard to impress with his mastery of language (not that im complaining) but i can see why american gods may be a better novel if you weigh the overall factors.

so american gods is a good book though not impressive enough for me.
the ending is less of a wham than i expected. 
i remember his graveyard book delighting me more. maybe i should re-read it.

as for anansi boys, its rather like a pale imitation of american gods and not worth the time if you ask me...
but again, its my opinion.

anyway, i kept reading the new books i bought and leaving the old "new" books to continue sitting in the dust.
i need to divert more time for them....
but whenever i see the super thick "1Q84" and "reamde" staring at me from the shelf, i lost all interest! :P
and apart from them, there are another 3 more sitting there seemingly looking equally boring... *oops*
i hope they will make me glad of choosing them in the first place when i finish them... like eventually.

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