Tuesday, December 23, 2014

random updates

as we get older, conversations with friends start to skew towards what's the best way to increase metabolism rate, what are the healthy stuff to eat, what kind of exercises are best to tone your tummies etc...
and I have my fair share of "gurus" around me who dish out advices to me whether or not I want to.
so the latest craze for me are:
  • almond milk - apparently milk is acidic by nature so best not to consume too much. almond milk is a great choice of substitution and it's low in calories too! so now I've been getting that for the past half month from NTUC or cold storage. quite an acquired taste I guess, like water with diluted almond essence dripped into it...
  • greek yogurt - healthier choice and I substituted that as supplement to dinner or as supper recently with fruits. surprisingly im ok with the sour taste that some may find bleh
  • berries of any kind - told that fruits can be classified as high or low GI. berries are considered low GI (lower in sugar content or something). so ive been getting blueberries, raspberries for the past month and adding that to the yogurt. yum!
  • salads for lunch - I try to have that at least twice a week. meatless with balsamic vinegar. trying to up the greens portions..
for exercising, I have been slacking.. :(
the pain in the left knee persists and a follow-up with the doctor seems to suggest should be a ligament strain instead and needs months for it to fully recover.
I really should resume the brisk walking and muscle building exercises like TODAY!
but I didn't so I shall start tomorrow.

wish me luck! hope I can kick-start tomorrow and persevere like 3+months back when I started running and it became a thrice weekly stint!

the problem with starting all these fads is they fade away pretty fast sometimes like how fads should be. @_@

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