Thursday, June 08, 2006

moving in!

FINALLY! after 2 months of gruelling renovation process, my house is ready for us to move in!! starting from tonight!! currently, the plan is for us to stay during the weekdays given the proximity to our workplaces and back to our own homes during the weekends.

started packing as many stuff as i can to be brought over to our house yesterday night. So i stuffed as many clothes, bags, shoes, undies, make-up etc (all the essentials) in my duffel bag & a huge plastic bag till bursting point. when i turned to look at my wardrobe it still look pretty much the same and I've already stuffed away 30-40 pieces of clothings!! eeks!

and i actually consider myself to be one of those who shop moderately (its true! my ex-colleagues can vouch for that!). cant imagine those who shop like a particular Miss Ngau/Fi_lala when they get married. how do they shift their stuff to the new house?! hmm...

so i reached my house bright & early this morning at 830am (courtesy of dear mr comfort :)) to drop my stuff . as my official working hours is at 830am, i began to notice that im gonna be grossly late for work. and when the bus still didnt come at 840 and no cab in sight, i started to sweat. finally the ONLY ONE bus came and i boarded it at 845. and guess what time i reach my office??

9 am SHARP.

i can learn to love my new house proximity to my workplace very soon. :)

okie here's a few (badly taken) camera pixs of my new house. will post more when i manage to take more with my camera. later folks!

i love my sofa!

our messy plasma TV & home theatre system.
pardon ah long for being everywhere. ha.

the wall color is actually a nice shade of purple. somehow it turned out to be this shitty color. ><


thisisnaive said...

your house looks great! must be exciting...

ayu said...

客厅看起来好舒服!有租房间吗? 哈哈

ecookie said...

little nutbrown hare: yup! NOW its exciting but as i said, i dread the cleaning uP!

ayu: 我家客房is available. 不过空荡荡的,不介意吧? :)

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