Sunday, May 22, 2011

dear daniel 30th birthday!

so, dear daniel does get old too! we celebrated his 30th birthday @ pan pac hotel yesterday! :)
apart from jx who cant make it due to stomach flu, the rest of the gang made it despite some of them MIA during dinner-time.

gb to attend a ROM function, tanny to attend a wedding dinner & zm went for a run (?!).
still, the rest of us continue merry-making all the way!!

so, grace, candice, gb and me met at 4+pm to check-in the hotel.

dear daniel's girlfriend patiently awaited for his arrival! wahaha.

when ser and the birthday boy reached, we went for a simple dinner @ marina square.
then to carrefour for mixers and tibits, yum yum!
by the time we were back at the hotel, dan's friends (brian & huimin) reached so the party started!

hello kitty patiently awaited for the birthday boy while he was peeing in the toilet! LOL.
look how happy he was when reunited with his girlfriend!

hello kitty birthday cake!
he insisted that she was to follow him everywhere...

half a kitty left...

then, its time to present the gift!

very constipated look but i think he does like the master-piece bag

then photo-taking time! again, not all photos can see daylight. here are some more decent ones:

me, grace & zm

clockwise from left: ser, grace, me, huimin & tanny

and for the rest of the night, we really just drink it away. *blech*
its been so long i drank so much that i almost puked! ok, i did.
anyway, we played the most boliao 5-10-15 and the one on your left/right drink.
and betweeen the 8 of us, we polished off 1 full bottle of tequila, 1 full bottle of vodka, 2 bottles of red wine and 1 bottle of moscato.
i felt the taste of liquor in my mouth as i typed now... eeks.

needless to say, i woke up with not my worse but nonetheless sucky hangover this morning.
and i administered my most effective remedy for hangover (for myself) quickly!
1 full cup of cold milk and then wolfed down a big plate of oily chicken rice to soak up all the alcohol in me!
sounds yucky but definitely works for me!

ok, now i need to go nap with the boys again.
im definitely still feeling shitty!

it was a total blast yesterday anyway! looking forward to tanny's birthday in july! *wee*

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