Sunday, December 05, 2010

what've i been up to!?

ever since coming back from my hanoi trip, i've been rather low on my energy level.
still, me being me managed to schedule in some activities & of cos shopping time. :P
no sale whatsoever, and this is getting me kinda down.
no mind, time to hit alternative shopping scene - haji lane for some inspiration!
i got meself a really cutsie onesie from Soon Lee & a cropped pants from Wicked Laundry! *sweet*
its been really a long while since i've visited Far East. im curious to uncover some neat buys there.
when when when?! planning in pipeline.

nov & dec are birthday months!
met up with fiona they all for yan's bday last week.
venue was at Nolboo Hangari Galbi Korea Resturant @ Orchard Central.
the food was good! and the staff BBQ for us so no nasty smell! hehehe.
and prices was reasonable for the tasty food too - @ ard $30+ per pax?

met up with the gang for jx's bday yesterday.
this time to Ootoya @ Suntec City!
despite its rather limiting food menu choices, their food is good! esp. their grilled meat! *slurp*
again, prices was v. reasonable @ $25+ per pax.
i would strongly recommend this place for diff. kind of jap cuisine.

some photos of the ng family:

yr having a go @ our neighbor's swing

Nice decor @ marina sq

yr's 1st time on kiddy ride! he loves it when taking with gor gor but kinda nervous when on his own
this kiddy ride can take up to 100kg! so i had fun on it with yz. wahaha.

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