Monday, April 09, 2012

long easter weekend!

we had a fun-filled long weekend!
on fri morning, we had breakfast with the boys, do household chores like its a saturday morning while the boys play on their own.
we made the boys took their naps earlier at 1+pm so that we can move out of the house earlier in the late afternoon.

plan for the evening: yz's kindy has requested a mini project which required us to bring him to alkaff bridge @ robertson quay.
it actually turned out to be a fun outing with the boys.

walking towards the bridge after parking - with 包 in their hands.

tada! @ the bridge. took a slow stroll across it and we had fun identifying the different types of circles on it.

part of the project requires him to draw his version of the bridge - "picasso" hard at work.

after that, we settled for an early dinner at brussel sprouts.

been wanting to bring the husband to try their mussels for the longest time and was so glad to do so finally.
the place was kid-friendly enough with their kids menu so the whole family can enjoy dinner together in a new eatery place!
im in love with the lindeman fruit beer there - yum yum!
desserts was at Laurent’s Café & Chocolate Bar - yum yum as well!

all of us had an early night on fri, gleeful with the thought that tomorrow is only saturday!

saturday afternoon was spent at GS's housewarming @ kovan residences.

her place is quite near our house, just a 10-15mins drive away? and her view at #17 is good! :)
the boys had fun playing with all the toys at her house and when all 5 kids were playing @ her balcony, her place looked kinda like a childcare centre. LOL.
we left ard 2+pm for the boys to come home for a quick catnap.

in the evening, i decided to bring all of us out to catch mirror mirror at tampines!
it was an early evening show at 7pm, just nice after dinner.
and at 26m old, YR fared better at watching this show compared to the last one "John Carter" given mirror mirror's more animated and lively action sequences.
still, had to resort to my phone games to occupy him towards the end of the show. ha.
YZ enjoyed the show since this is a mild version of the actual snow white story.
for me, i think its just julia roberts 撑ing the whole show up. the plot and other characters are really just so-so.

due to the activities during the day and movie, the boys K.Oed fairly early before 10pm.
leaving hubbi and myself to catch yet another show on our own "big" screen - the descendants.
again, its good but not as good as i expected like the artist.
i think i need to catch films earlier before their avalanche of good reviews.

sunday morning was spent catching yet another show with the boys - MI4!
hahah, its an old show but ive only managed to watch it now.
not too bad! tom cruise still has it at his age!

evening was spent at my nephew's 7yo bday.
quite a yawn for me though im sure the husband enjoyed catching up with his family and the boys playing with their cousins. @_@.

im counting down to this weekend already!

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