Sunday, March 24, 2013

too hot for anything, i tell you.

the first quarter of the year is going to end soon.
how scary.

rest of the working week for this week was over in a flash (2 days anyway) with me frantically catching up with all the work piling up from my break...
friday evening was spent ironing all my backlog of clothings (near to 30+ pcs....).
gosh how i hate ironing clothes...
and yesterday, the ng family just spent the whole day lazing at home apart from the kids' enrichment classes in the morning as usual and a quick dinner at PP in the evening.
apologies if i seem to be jumping abit all over but the brain is not exactly functioning straight.
blame it on the super hot weather.
the brain is just in a mush state...

some photos: 
still very into their caps. wore them out for dinner...

some outfits for the week:
left: top from MNG, denim dungarees from H&M
right: printed midi dress from MNG - i had this from eons back (like 3-4 years back?) and i still like it tons!

sidenote: met candice for lunch on wednesday and as usual ended up going to more than 1GG5 branch to check out clothings and ended up getting 1 dress + 1 top.
tsk tsk. she is no better. apart from getting 2 pieces the same day, she went back to get 3 more tops yesterday!! 

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