mum was commenting to me that he was looking for "papa" & "mamee" on wed evening (he was staying over at my mum's place).
so my mum gave him the usual excuse," 爸爸,妈咪在做工。"
and smartypants him said, "nono, 爸爸,妈咪没有做工。 在红山睡觉!"
heheh. the little son knows that daddy and mammy dont have to work at night and we are at our redhill house.
so darn cute!
letting him try on my shades when i went to fetch him on thursday evening! :)
yz loves to pose while squatting. i wonder why?
25.09.09! 3rd year anniversary part 1
hubbi and me are married for 3 years liao!
*woohoo* time flies. and he was complaining that half the time, im pregnant. @_@
sorry baby, will make up for couple time when #2 arrives (but i think will be harder... hehe).
poor hubbi was sick (down with cough) on the day itself so we didn't really plan anything fanciful.
will have a belated celebration when we go for the upcoming concert and hotel stay! :)
hubbi came and look for me for lunch at my work area.
brought him to try some peranakan food which he likes! after parting our way, he left for doctor as he was feeling really unwell. and doc said he's down with stomach flu!
gosh, how unlucky.
but my concern was really, will he spread to yz?! oops, terrible wife.
so that evening, hubbi stayed at home to rest while i brought yz out to meet my ex-colls for dinner @ vivo!
great time meeting them! we should really do such gatherings more often.
and thankfully, yz was relatively well-behaved most of the time.
whatever plans we had for saturday was cancelled due to a weak hubbi.
but it was a good time for the ng family to catch up on our rest (more for ah long and myself lah!). we napped for a good 2hrs+ together with the son in early noon.
nearer to evening, we made a trip to ikea to see if any shopping to be done.
yz having fun at the kids' section
yz's dinner was ikea meat balls and surprisingly he really likes it! hehe.
he was going, "more meat balls, pls!". really a good dinner without us racking our brains what to feed him. :P
in the end, hubbi got a new study chair and floor mat for the corridor.
father and son duo!
we should do such "quiet" saturdays more often!
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