remember, stick to it and dont let anyone make you feel guilty about it.
i mean it.
for mothers know best.
okie, its just that i had enough of people from here n there telling me what to do for my baby.
heck, they dont even have to tell me in the face.
just a raised eyebrow or whispered questioning behind my back is enough to irk me.
sigh. i shall be strong and stick to my decision.
who said the 1st month is the most difficult?
the second month is toO!
the little devil is now soundly asleep but when he's awake, 我有的忙了!:)
little wormy is extremely insecure and demanded to be held every now and then.
not sure if this is the case for most babies or the hospital ordeal has made him so.
whatever the case, im trying my best to sooth him and let him gain confidence in his caretakers, which include me! :)
waiting for him to turn 3 months old so he can start playing with me. heez.
but by then, i ll be back at work. how annoying!
im pretty amazed at myself.
i've been having interupted sleep (less than 6 hours a night) for the past 5 weeks!
of cos, i made it up by sneaking naps here n there during the day.
but still!
i love wormy to bits but sometimes im really puzzled by his crying.
what exactly does he want!
and sometimes, i just want to get away from all the taking care business and have some me-time again.
that is really quite hard for the time being.
even if someone volunteered to take care of wormy, im not sure i'll bear to do so.
for long at least.
my little angel/devil having some rare quiet time by himself.
1 comment:
Wow! U slim down really quicky!!! Wormy is sooo cute i wanna carry him!!!!!!!! Miss u lots....hope to see u and wormy soon..! Muacks!
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