as mentioned in earlier post, went for my 38w check-up on 11th jan and gynea noted that amniotic level was borderline.
so we scheduled another check-up on 15th jan to check on the fluid level as well as cervix dilation. if fluid level is low and im dilated, will schedule for induction on the very day!
i was decidedly excited during the week as im feeling so heavy and since peanut was already considered full term, i was eager to bring him out. :P
came 15th jan (fri) and i went for the check-up as scheduled. BUT, amniotic fluid level still at borderline (which means acceptable) and me still NOT yet dilated. gosh, i was actually a lil' disappointed. still, gynea gave me the choice if i want to induce on that day.
discussed with hubbi and we decided not to since we didnt want to run the risk of a failed induction and hence an emergency c-sect.
in the end, we arranged with my gynea to schedule an induction on 18th jan (mon) instead. hoping to give time for my cervix to dilate over the weekend and also to spend more time with yz.
weekend passed in a flash and sunday evening was here. dropped yz @ my mum's place, then hubbi and me went home to spend some time together watching tv serial (yesh, we are still hooked on heroes season 4! heh.) , bath, some last minute housework chores and then finally made our way to TMC for admission.
gynea has arranged for us to admit after 12midnight for induction.
12midnight: reached and taken to observation ward while hubbi went to settle admission admin.
12.30am: nurse checked and dilation = 0cm(!) and she inserted the tablet to start the induction.
contractions soon started for me about 5mins apart but still bearable.
2.30am: contractions were about 2-3mins apart and getting unbearable. so i got the nurse to checked and i was about 1.5cm dilated. hubbi and me were glad that the cervix did proceeded to dilate after all. i decided to try sitting out the contractions pain, given the (lousy) advice that second births are faster and may not need epidural.
3.15am: contractions were so bad that i decided that i NEED to administer epidural. signed the consent form and proceeded to the delivery ward to wait for the anesthetian to reach.
during the 20mins wait, i requested for laughing gas to tide me over the waves and waves of contraction pains. :(
blame my low pain threshold.
3.45am: epidural administered. *ouch* :(
left hand kena poked and put on drip. :( i really hate being put on drip! argh!
contractions become manageable.
5.45am: contractions became unbearable again. asked the nurse to increase epi dosage. cervix check done again and i was told that dilation was ard 3-4cm (!).
so disappointed. only a further 2-3cm dilation in 3hrs+. bleah.
7.15am: contractions came on harder and i can felt the pain again. asked the nurse to up the epi dosage again. but this time round, still can feel pain despite her saying that she had increased the dosage to the allowed maximum already.
cervix check again and i was dilated to 9cm! what a fast progression! whatever. time for pushing soon. :)
nurse called gynea and he was soon on his way.
8am: gynea reached and confirmed that im fully dilated at 10cm and ready to push!
this time round, as i can still feel the contractions and the pain. and without the stuffy nose when i was delivering yz, the pushing stage was actually fast and smooth. :)
8.20am: after 15mins+ of pushing, peanut was delivered!
this time round, never cried like when i had yz but still teared a lil' lah. hehe
hubbi cut his umbilical cord and followed the nurse to weigh and measure him.
gynea proceeded to collect cord blood, delivered my placenta and of cos stitched me up. :
9am: finally reached my ward. this time round, i suffered some minor after-effects of epidural. unlike last time where i wolved down a sandwich before sleeping, i was shivering and feeling nausea so bad that i only managed to drink some hot milo before sinking into a difficult sleep.
so there, thats my birth story. relatively smooth, huh?
but pls, no asking if there is going to be a #3.
for the time being, the answer is NO. gonna focus on striking a balance between the husband, the 2 sons and of cos myself. oh, my family & friends too.
gosh, its not gonna be easy.
but with effort and some planning, im sure ive something worked out.
wish me luck! :)
ok, here some photos of baby peanut! :)
baby peanut at day 2 with his eyes wide opened. :)
congrats babe!
lil' peanut looks alot like u leh! and he looks so smart! oooh.. not not forgetting very very clean wor.. =)
reading birth story is always very heartwarming. congrats again!!
yea i also think lil peanut looks like mummy. i love his distinct eyebrow shape, must be another handsome boy in the making :)
rest well!
hippo/chintz: look like me meh? but yah his eyebrow shape is distinct like his papa!
peanut really looks very clean wor! and so cute with the big eyes opened.
really feels like a long time since I last give birth. *shudder*
you did such a great job! have a good rest!
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