GE 2006 has just ended and surprisingly for this time round, i was rather on the ball when it comes to following the news on it. where were i for the last GE? hmm...2001. that made me in uni 1. probably puking somewhere in a club. lolz~
perhaps its age...perhaps its...i guess age can only be the reason why i am suddenly interested in the election after so long of disinterest. singapore is a weird country. many of us are denied of the chance to vote despite being in a democratic country. i am one of those who've never voted once in my whole life since i happened to live in a GRC which is constantly being walked-over by the PAP come GE times.
does it bother me? no it doesnt really. really. does that mean im a closeted PAP fan? nope, not really though i must admit i do look at parties' track records and candidates' calibre when it comes to casting my vote (should that day ever come, that is).
anyway, back to GE 2006. personally, i feel that my main concerns for our tiny sunny island are the following:
1) how is our government helping singapore in retaining its competitive edge and staying relevant in today's fast-paced dynamic global environment?
2) how is our government going to take care of its aging, needy and poorer citizens?
3) how is our government going to ease the impact of rising costs (inflation is inevitable, that im aware of)?
sad to say, im hearing not much coverage on the above topics for past 2 weeks by all parties. content got stuck at mainly irrelevant (gomez incident-i shan't repeat here. its too feaking draggy!) and repetitive stuff (upgrading of HDB-are we concerned with this only?! anyway, voting results have shown that upgrading budget, no matter how big, is really not a concern for most citizens).
another point to note is the strength of opposition parties this year. im pretty impressed with WP's candidates profiles and their presentation throughout the whole election affair. impressive. :) i guess opposition will always have their relevance from keeping a check on ruling party to providing alternative voices in the parliament.
and i hope people really do vote wisely, given their fotunate position to have choices in the first place. been hearing alot of comments like "oh, so boring. its PAP again." or "no surprises again this time round.". Such comments are disturbing to me. they seem to indicate a trend that people will like to see more opposition getting into parliament just for the sake of doing so. whatever happen to reasons like selecting people that represent your views & beliefs and you having faith in their capacity? any case, GE 2006 has ended. And in the next 5 years to come, i guess PAP has to give their shot in retaining the 66.6% who rooted for them this time and also to win over the remaining 33.4% who did otherwise. As for WP, i think they really did a great job in making an entrance this time round. so if they continue to prove their worth going forward, im sure they will win the people's votes in GE 2011?
all the banter above just for GE 2006. i think im getting too blah for my own good. shall follow up with a frivolous post soon!