Thursday, March 08, 2012

dabbling in investment

for the longest time, i don't believe in any forms of investment except in property.
but investing in property is easier said than done.
you need to be like uber cash-rich!!
and its not helping when your other-half believe otherwise...

(can someone shake NCL to his senses, how can investing in property go wrong!?)

anyway, since we've committed ourselves to the new home last oct, dream of owning a second property is not possible in the near future and perhaps, ever... hah

and with the purchase of the unit, my savings for past few years were almost but nearly wiped out. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

starting all over to save up is so demotivating - the balance is simply crawling.
and with such little savings, i started to get bored and wanted to be creative.

and so, with the approval of the husband, i started buying stock, preference shares, bonds etc.
yes, instead of saving up, i pumped money into investment every mth when my pay comes in.
LOL, for awhile, 90% of my savings are in investments!
but we are talking small amount in totality lah *ahem*

so far, i've sold some shares to cash out some profit to help subsidize ard 70% of my air ticket. *hiaks*

the few lots im holding on are suffering some paper loss due to market fluctuations recently.
BUT, im positive they will be good in months/year to come!!
shopping for stocks is as therapeutic as retail shopping!

ok, until i burn my fingers.....
*fingers crossed*

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