Saturday, October 02, 2010

updates on 豆豆。


my lil' peanut has finally started to sleep through the night since 2 weeks back!
he will normally sleep around 9pm and wakes up between 630-730am next day.
he may still make noise 1-2 times during the night due to looking for his pacifier.
after popping back, he will self-sooth himself to sleep again.
ahhh... my long awaited good night sleeps are finally slowly coming back again!
he is so different from yz who sleeps through the night since 3m old!

oh well, this is only one of the many differences between the brothers.

peanut in trolley & standing up

peanut now knows how to pull himself to a standing position.
but he is still figuring out how to sit down from a standing position. hehe.
quite advanced at 8m old as compared to gor gor who only started to do so at 9m.

when we put him in the NTUC trolley for the first time, the boy was so excited that he kicked his legs wildly while giving out squeals of delight.
after that, its turn here turn there trying to touch everything from the shelves. tsk tsk.
this is so unlike gor gor who seemed to got the fright of his life when we put him in one.
it took yz's 3 times before he warm up to sitting in one.
gor gor is definitely the more careful one between the brothers....

oh, and yr has already cut 2 lower teeth at 8m old as compared to yz's who got his first tooth at nearly 9.5m old!

yz was once very chubby ok!!
he was chubbier than his didi, contrary to popular belief!
and they do look alike in some aspects, no?

i love my boys!

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