Tuesday, December 31, 2013

my day of the year once again!

seems not too long ago that I turned a year wiser....@_@
and suddenly its 31.12 again!
same as last year, flurry of work tasks in the morning to prepare for the closing on 2nd Jan and then its team lunch.
same venue same table! what are the odds!
the team feasted on (sinful) yummeh food @ 313 brotzeit.
and then its making my way to my mum's place to fetch the boys.
hubbi does not have half day but he was able to leave earlier so he came to pick us up at around 5pm...
we went tampines mall for an early dinner and then its back to home sweet home for some quiet time.
its my day so the boys were very nice to watch an episode of running man (haha!) with me!
and they serenaded me with both the English and mandarin version of birthday songs with a small cake that the husband bought earlier on. :D
for this year, the husband didn't get me anything for I told him not to.
frankly speaking, I don't have anything on my wish list... maybe I can think of something next year... :P
the best present the boys gave me were a handmade card from YZ and they (more YZ than YR of cos) constructed for me the LOTR ghost ship set that the husband gave me for xmas!
you really have to give it to LEGO for the amount of details that go into each of their set!
oh and I bought something for myself.
you can consider that bday pressie for myself though its really more like a whim of the moment.
ive always wanted to add some color to my Pandora bracelet.
adding more charms may work but very little charms are colored.
so I decided to get the murano glass charms!
since the gang has gave me charms tinged with blue last year, i chose the teal murano glass charms to add on to my collection! 
is this gorgeous or what?!
as i bid farewell to 2013 and usher in 2014, i sincerely hope for H&H (health & happiness) for all my love ones!
2013 has been relatively quiet and stable for me which is good news if you come to think about it.
so may my 2014 continue to be as smooth and great in its own way!

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