Tuesday, December 24, 2013

the year is really coming to an end!
xmas is just round the corner (to be precise, tomorrow!)!
the younger son was having xmas celebration in his school and he even put up a performance with his classmates!
sadly, i was not able to catch it due to work but the husband managed to go and took videos for me to see.
awwww... so happy to see the younger son performing enthusiastically and enjoying himself!
we received his class photo as well - i love the photo!
my baobei!
its half day off for me but not for the poor hubbi.
he needs to work from home in the afternoon while the rest of us get to play. *teehee* 

top: xmas pressie from the husband to me!
he was buying stuff off amazon and he managed to get the lego set and sandman comic for me at very good prices!
yeah, another ship to join my black pearl from pirates of the Caribbean!
below: pressies for the boys from por por - Raphael and Leonardo!

playing time while waiting for papa to be done with work so we can go out for dinner!
ok, time for me to start on the sandman! *excited*

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